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43 Climbing Sherpa Lal Singh Tamang Leads The Way Up The Slope At 6858m To The Rock Band Early Morning On The Climb To Lhakpa Ri Summit 56 Jerome Ryan Jumaring Up The Fixed Ropes To The Top Of The Rock Band On The Way To Lhakpa Ri Summit 59 Climbing Sherpa Lal Singh Tamang Fixing A Rope Across The Lhakpa Ri Summit Ridge 61 Climbing Sherpa Lal Singh Tamang Leading The Last Few Metres To The Lhakpa Ri Summit 62 Climbing Sherpa Lal Singh Tamang Filming On The Lhakpa Ri Summit
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59 Climbing Sherpa Lal Singh Tamang Fixing A Rope Across The Lhakpa Ri Summit Ridge  [31 of 36]

59 Climbing Sherpa Lal Singh Tamang Fixing A Rope Across The Lhakpa Ri Summit Ridge

DATE: 2014-05-07 10:14